If you have any good photos or videos or short updates which you want displayed on this blog then use the blog submission form: SUBMIT TO BLOG. If its a relevant update I shall see what I can do...
The Jam's one week away today. Managed to book a few days off work this week to get some of the ramp building shit organised. Blagging a sponsor for the event hasn't gone to plan so far, although if we ever have an a10 jam, then i've got a big trails-only sponsor on board. Looks like prizes will be the traditional porn mag and some strongbow. good enufff. Get all yer mates on board this week. it's going to be mayhem.
The ascension bmx photography competition. Enter Now >
We are a culmination of many years hard work, campaigning, piss ups and bike riding. Our riders are based in Hertford, UK where the scene gives us few and far between obstacles to ride...